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Can I print on campus?

1192 views   |   1 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Jan 16, 2024    Printing

Printers are available on both campuses from Bastyr printers only.  For security purposes there is no printing allowed from laptops.  

BUC - printers in building A*

BUK - printers in the basement computer labs, one printer in the Library. 

$40 printing credit is automatically added to your PaperCut printing account on July 1 of each year.  Black and white: 5 cents per page. Color: 25 cents per page. All printing has to be paid for using the PaperCut account; you can only access your PaperCut account ON CAMPUS at this time. Access your papercut account by logging into: http://papercut:9191/user 

If you need to add credit, please contact 




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How do I get access off-campus?

1159 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    Off campus access

Off-campus access is automatic for current student, faculty and staff.

When you are trying to access a library resource off-campus, you will need to authenticate through the BU Library Proxy.  Your username will be the same username that you have for email.  Do not include "" in your username.  Your password will be the same as your email too.  

If you aren't able to authenticate via the proxy, please contact the library so that we can confirm your credentials.


Sometimes you will have a direct link to get to a resource - make sure the link has some referent to BU proxy.  Typically it will look like this:


If you don't see the bolded content, the link you have will not work off campus.  Look at the resource in the second half of the link:    

and see if you can access the resource directly via the library database list.



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Where can I get help with APA?

1114 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    APA

The Library has adapted an APA Citation Guide from Columbia College BC, and Seneca College Libraries and features several popular help resources such as:

  • How to cite specific types of information  (Books & eBooks, Images, Journal Articles and Websites)
  • How to cite in-text
  • How to format your reference lists
  • An APA sample paper with appendices
  • Information on annotated bibliographies

For more general help with academic writing, please check out our Write & Cite Guide

Need to talk to somebody about APA? In addition to the library's collection of style guides and other writing resources, Bastyr has a free tutoring service, which includes writing tutors. Tutoring services are on appointment.

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Is this article scholarly? How do I tell if an article is peer-reviewed?

1079 views   |   1 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    article scholarly

One quick and relatively fail-safe way to become a little more educated on the pedigree and quality of a particular journal is to look it up in Ulrich's Web: Global Serials Directory

UlrichsWeb is a collection of detailed information about more than 300,000 academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.

It is particularly useful for determining whether a journal is peer reviewed  (a scholarly journal). In Ulrichsweb this is called “refereed.”:

1. Search for your journal by name or ISSN
2. Look for an icon that looks like a black and white sports referee’s jacket next to your journal’s name to see if it is refereed (peer reviewed). Clicking on the name of your journal will show you more detailed information.

Image of Ulrich's Search Screen

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How can staff and faculty put an article on course reserve?

1013 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 08, 2024    Textbook Course Reserves

Articles should be posted directly on your Canvas page. Best practice is to provide the full citation, and a proxied link to the full text. If you're not sure whether it falls under Fair Use, fill out the Fair Use Checklist form first and keep a copy for your records. 
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Where can I access Visual Veggies and  Food Processor?

946 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on May 24, 2023    Library resources

The computer lab Rm 15 in Kenmore has Visual Veggies and Food Processor - note, the software is technically called RD Exam, so look for that name if you don't see Visual Veggies! Visual Veggies is also installed on computer #10 in the Library.  


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How can I get an article that I can't find in full text?

932 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    Off campus access Full text article

Below are two suggestions for finding the full text. If the article isn't available, submit an Article Request Form.The process takes 3 to 5 days. 

To maximize the full text available from the library, always run your searches from the library homepage databases tab. When you're searching remotely, you will need to sign in using your central BU login (the one you use for email and Canvas etc.). A second way to look for the full text is to search the Journal directly from the library homepage, and then drill down to the issue you need. 

If you still can't seem to find the article, try sending a quick chat to a Librarian to see if they can help you troubleshoot.

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How do I change my password?

931 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Jun 02, 2021    password Off campus access Full text

There are two username/passwords that the library uses.

There is a username and password for the library catalog, where you search for and request books for pick-up:    Your account is set up with your standard BU username and password but if you change your central BU password, it doesn't change for the library catalog too!

You can re-set your password for Koha using the "forgot password" link on the catalog homepage.


For off-campus access to the library databases and eResources, you will be asked to login to the Library Proxy Server - you use your central BU username and password (the one you use for SharePoint, Student/Faculty Portals, Canvas etc.) If you log in with the wrong password more than 3 times, your account will  be temporarily blocked by both IT and the proxy server.  The lock expires after about 15 mins; if it's urgent and you can't wait, you need to contact IT  and so that both services can be reset for you.

If you need to reset your central BU password (remember, they expire every 180 days!) you can do so here:   New passwords, as usual, must meet complexity requirements.



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Where can I find find full-text articles if I am a graduate?

919 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    alumni article Full text

If you're licensed in Washington State and are an eligible practitioner, you may register for Heal-WA, an evidence-based suite of resources many of which BU library subscribes to. You can search for some full-text articles through there. You can also try contacting university and college libraries with medical and allied health programs. They're likely to have full-text medical databases such as CINAHL and Medline with Full Text
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How can faculty or staff place orders for textbooks and other items available in the bookstore?

919 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Sep 19, 2022    Textbook

With few exceptions, the library is no longer buying required textbooks. See the Faculty Course Reserves page for details.For supplemental resources, complete the form on the faculty portal. Click on course management/my courses/course options/course textbooks/add textbook and fill out the form. The library will receive a copy from the bookstore. 

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How do I find a specific journal?

911 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    article Full text Research

To see if the Library has a journal in print, or online in one of our electronic databases, start at the library homepage. Near the top center of the page, locate the Journals tab. 

The default search is "Title begins with". To find a specific Journal, change the default setting to "Title Equals" and type your search in to the box on the right. 

Image of Journals Tab on Library Homepage


Click on the link to the database with the date range you need. 

If you need an article that isn't covered by our current subscriptions, you can request the full text here: Article Request Form

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How do I request an article through interlibrary loan? 

901 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    Help Full text article Circulation Research

If you need an article that isn't covered by our current subscriptions, you can request the full text here: Article Request Form

You can also request articles directly through our databases. If you find an article that isn't covered under our license, in most databases you will be offered the opportunity to request the article directly. 

Image of Interlibrary Loan Request button

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As a graduate of Bastyr, will my professional organizations have free research?

854 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    alumni

They usualy have limited free research and it's a good place to keep connected with your field. Also, network with your colleagues and at conferences. See the Professional Associations tab for your particular program on the Alumni Homepage
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How do I search for journal articles?

848 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    Library resources article Full text

From the Library homepage, click the Databases tab on the left menu. Search alphabetically for the database of interest. If you're not sure, click the down arrow above the A-Z list to see databases grouped by subject. There is a description of every database below it If you need to brush up on your search skills, see this tutorial. Still need help? Contact a librarian from the library homepage. 
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How do I get full text of an article?

843 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Oct 08, 2020    Full text

We have around 13 million research articles already covered by our subscriptions, you can get to the full text of the articles we subscribe to by looking for the following icons when searching our databases:




Click on either of the buttons to search our subscriptions for full text;  you will be taken to a screen that will let you know if we have full text.   If we have the text, there will be a blue button that says "Full Text Online".  Click it to get redirected to the full text.

If we don't currently subscribe to that journal, the button will say "Request this item".  Requests are free and are usually filled in 1-5 days.  Here's a link to a request form: 

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How can I recommend a new book or resource for the library to purchase?

838 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    Library resources

To submit a recommendation, go to the BU Library Catalog Home Page. Sign in with your library login (It may be different than your BU login if you changed it) and click on the bottom left hand corner link, Your Purchase Suggestions. Then click on New Purchase Suggestion to enter the information you know (title, author and other information such as ISBN). If you have further questions, contact the library via emailchat or telephone: BUK (425) 602-3020 or BUC (858) 246-9714.

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Does the library have all my textbooks?

787 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    Textbook

The library may carry copies of texts that are referred to in your courses. Instructors have to let the library know to put these items "on reserve." This allows students to check out most textbooks for 2 hours (overnight if it is withing 2 hours of closing time) and bring them back so that others in the class have the opportunity to use them too.


However - the library should not be relied on to provide copies of REQUIRED TEXTS.  These are books that you are expected to buy - your instructors usually ensure that they are in stock at the BU Bookstore.



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How do I find medical textbooks in eBook format? 

783 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 08, 2024    Textbook ebooks

From the library homepage, click the Database eBooks tab. The default search is Title Starts with. For a more flexible search, click the down arrow and select, Title Contains all Words. You can also search for eBooks directly in Access Medicine and Clinical Key ebook collections below the search box. 
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How do I search for print and single title eBooks (not medical textbooks) & other resources such as DVDs?

737 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    ebooks DVDs

You can search the BU Library catalog to look for print books, single title eBooks, DVD's and other resources (except for journal articles and medical textbooks as eBooks). Keyword searching is the most flexible. To search for medical textbooks in electronic format, see this FAQ
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What is HEALWA and am I eligible?

486 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Apr 09, 2024    alumni

HEALWA is an evidenced-based suite of resources paid for by your licensing fees. If you're licensed in Washington State and are an eligible practitioner, you may register. Heal-WA subscribes to many of the same databases as the Bastyr University Library. HEALWA doesn't have UpToDate but there's a special rate for graduates for a limited period of time. See the details here or contact
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